Dream Act Argument Words | 1 Pages. After a number of attempts, the federal Dream Act legislation has still not passed. Despite the difficulty the federal government has had on passing the DREAM Act, several states have taken it on their own initiative to create their own version of the DREAM Act The DREAM Act. The DREAM Act After about twelve years of the DREAM Act floating around in congress, many people on both sides of the issue are unsure of what will happen. For some, the fact that it has been around for long without much progress means that the DREAM Act will not pass. On the other side of this issue, the dreamers, continue fighting to keep the DREAM We affirm for three main reasons. 1) The DREAM act is a positive action. 2) The people affected by the DREAM act are a special class of immigrants and 3) US intelligence will also benefit. Contention 1) Everyone will benefit from the DREAM Act. Adopting the Dream Act not only benefits immigrants through education, but is more productive blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins
The DREAM Act | Free Essay Example
We will be affirming the resolution stating, Resolved: The United States The dream act essay Government should adopt the Dream Act. We affirm for three main reasons. Contention 1 Everyone will benefit from the DREAM Act. Adopting the Dream Act not only benefits immigrants through education, but is more productive economically. According to Camarota, the Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies, 1. Novcis. However, once we educate these people and get them on the route to citizenship this current number would drastically change. Not only do we gain this immediate benefit but also others throughout the years, the dream act essay.
Lopez, Octbusinesstoday. rg Now we can all understand that A Deportation costs more than education and B Education results in several benefits, the dream act essay. Contention 2 The people affected by the DREAM act are a special group of immigrants. We understand and value that there is already a legal route to citizenship. However, those affected by the DREAM act represent a unique group of immigrants. This requires legal documentation such as a social security number or a birth certificate, which these immigrants do not have. This exclusive the dream act essay of immigrants should be provided with an exclusive route. As documented Americans, and descendants of immigrants ourselves, we should allow perseverance, character, and loyalty to be the true test of an American.
Contention 3 The DREAM act allows America to maximize its potential. DREAMing graduates will enter the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields, abbreviated by the acronym of STEM. The US secretary of education, Duncan, points out that these graduates will fill shortages in STEM jobs and help maximize the US workforce. Furthermore, the Associated Press the dream act essay these shortages will be filled byDREAMers. In conclusion, as we look at the adoption of the DREAM act we need to value the principal of taking action, but not just action- the right action.
America gains economic benefits while dealing with this unique immigrant population and also will continue to reap these benefits for years to come. These young men and women are a vast untapped resource for America. The adoption of the DREAM act allows America access to that resource. The DREAMers gain access to education, jobs, and productivity. Adoption of the DREAM act is clearly a win-win situation. My partner and I offer you the opportunity to stand with us in meaningful action. Thank you. Free Essays Topics Essay Checker Hire Writer Login. Free essay samples Examples The Dream Act. The Dream Act 3 March Hire verified writer.
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, time: 10:28The DREAM Act - Words | Help Me
DREAM Act is a proposal to allow undocumented youths to become temporary U.S. residents through a rigorous process then they can continue the legal citizenship process. DREAM Act is helpful and impactful to many Latino individuals to become U.S. citizens in a timely manner therefore it is important that we understand the eligibility and the reason why it got vetoed Dream Act Argument Words | 1 Pages. After a number of attempts, the federal Dream Act legislation has still not passed. Despite the difficulty the federal government has had on passing the DREAM Act, several states have taken it on their own initiative to create their own version of the DREAM Act The DREAM Act. The DREAM Act After about twelve years of the DREAM Act floating around in congress, many people on both sides of the issue are unsure of what will happen. For some, the fact that it has been around for long without much progress means that the DREAM Act will not pass. On the other side of this issue, the dreamers, continue fighting to keep the DREAM
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