My first day at Pierce College was on September 2, , the first day of the fall semester. It was a day full of new experiences. I got into a new educational building, was exposed to a different style of learning, and met new people. My first day signified the beginning of Apr 07, · One whole day of my first in college was so wonderful. I had known a lot of good friends; they are so good at studying. I think college is going to be the great experience; I will learn and get a lot of knowledge from this wonderful land. I hope this knowledge is going to help in my future. This essay was written by a fellow student Feb 22, · My first day at college is a memorable experience of life. It is marked with excitement soon as I appeared in the matriculation examination. I began to dream of a free, independent and interesting life of the college. My cousin would often say to me, “Life in a college is more a fun than serious efforts to get education
My First Day in College Example | GraduateWay
Since high school, I have been waiting to enter college. I always wanted to be a college student; a serious student who would decide what to be in his life. My first day at Pierce College was on September 2,the first day of the fall semester. It was a day full of new experiences. I got into a new educational building, was exposed to a different style of learning, and met new people. My first day signified the beginning of my career goals. As soon as I entered the college campus the high school atmosphere was over and a serious period of my life began. By entering the packed parking lot, my first day at college essay, I got the feeling that I was entering a big institution.
The time was a. Luckily, I was able to find a space to park my car. I entered the campus and asked people to help me find my classes. I walked down the main walkway and was amazed at the size of the campus. Grass and trees surrounded it. People were studying sprawled on the grass with their books. I felt like I had entered a park, not a college. I walked into a big hall with video games, tables and chairs. People were eating, my first day at college essay, playing video games, and doing their homework. I soon discovered that it was the cafeteria. I felt quite insignificant; the campus proved to be shockingly enormous. Finally, I approached a student and showed him my classroom number in the schedule book.
He told me to follow him because he was enrolled in the same class. He led me to the classroom; I found a seat and sat down. The nature of the classrooms at Pierce College came as another shock to me. The organization of the classrooms was different from the classrooms in high school. On the first day, my first day at college essay, many students showed up even though they were not enrolled in the class. There were students trying to get add cards. Some students who were enrolled in the class did not show up that day. The teacher erased those students from the roster and gave other students who were not on the roster add cards to enroll in the class.
There isn't a time of day when a person doesn't hear something pertaining to how old and inaccurate the Electoral College is, my first day at college essay. In this paper, the history and the workings of the Electoral College will be discussed. Because of this trial and error process, the electoral college now operates so that each state has the same number of Electors and U. The Electoral College works in that in years divisible by four, there is a voting day on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Electoral College has many weaknesses in its system. In fact, it is the electors for whom we vote on Election Day.
Houser, 3 The most popularly sought after reform of the My first day at college essay College is to elect presidents solely based on the popular vote, which occurs on Election Day in November. Most importantly, a direct popular election would give way for Americans to truly have their voices heard on Election Day. There is very little interest in "states" rights" in this day and age. The Electoral College There is much controversy over the Electoral College and whether there should be a new system of electing the President of the United States my first day at college essay into effect. Electoral College has many Every fall a new class of wide-eyed innocent freshman start college full of high aspirations for a successful college career.
Unfortunately, the hopes and dreams of overare dashed when they fail out of college during their first year. While average high school students may not my first day at college essay to spend long hours in outside study to get good grades, college students must devote several hours each day to independent study in order to obtain the same goal. For example, a student decides to go out rather than study, stays out late, and misses class the next day. Poor study habits, a lack The college I attend is Mercer County Community College in West Windsor, New Jersey. All of these colleges offer an educational opportunity which is comparable to that of Rutgers, Rider, and The College of New Jersey.
The first benefit would be the cost. The only arguable point against the four-year degree at a community college might be the stigma of attending a community college. Hopefully, one day I will be able to achieve a Baccalaureate degree. This paper will go into the depths of how and why it is still in use to this day. Abbott, my first day at college essay, 7 In the operations of the electoral my first day at college essay in our current nation, my first day at college essay, there are electoral college voters, and a majority of is needed to win the presidency As stated by David Abbott, at first, it was assumed the best system of electing the president was to have Congress do it. The first one happened in the election of In this day in age that we live in, America has technology that would never have been imagined years ago.
Campus size is the first thing my first day at college essay comes to mind when daydreaming of a perfect school. This takes all the illusion out of what a community college is trying to do to present the stereotypical college lifestyle. High school is more like community college than an actual university. Most students have one or two classes every day and return home afterwards, my first day at college essay. That is what truly makes the college experience possible; and the reason why community colleges will never be able to truly replicate it The first day of anything new is always nerve racking especially the first day of class at Rock Valley College.
The first day of class at Rock Valley College I arrived early just in case for some reason I were to get lost. My first class is over and it's time to move to my second class of the day. After another hour my school day is over. I climb into my car and drive 45 minutes. home relieved that I made it through my first day. Henry III he discusses his opinions about college and community college. The amount of work we do nowadays is not even close to what students would have to take on back in the day. Students change their majors several times when they first start college.
Going to Cosumnes River College can save you half of the tuition and fees that you would have to pay by going to Sacramento State first for all four years. College and wealth don't always go together and just because you study in a field that supposedly pays a lot of money doesn't mean you will make a lot of money a Type a new keyword s and press Enter to search. first day at college Word Count: Approx Pages: 3 Save Essay View my Saved Essays Downloads: 45 Grade level: High School Login or Join Now to rate the paper. Essays Related to first day at college 1.
Electoral College. Word Count: Approx Pages: 3 Has Bibliography Grade Level: High School. The Electoral College. Word Count: Approx Pages: 6 Has Bibliography Grade Level: Undergraduate. Word Count: Approx Pages: 3 Grade Level: High School. Why Students Fail College. Word Count: Approx Pages: 2. Community College. Word Count: Approx Pages: 2 Grade Level: Undergraduate. Word Count: Approx Pages: 6 Has Bibliography Grade Level: High School. Living the College Experience. College Student. Word Count: Approx Pages: 5 Grade Level: High School. In Defense of College Elitism. Word Count: Approx Pages: 4 Has Bibliography Grade Level: High School.
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