Sep 21, · Genetic Modified Foods Essay Words | 7 Pages. used for modifying genes in plants, animals or micro-organisms. It is being also used especially with food in order to improve the nutritious quality, make less use of chemicals such as pesticides, which proved to be extremely harmful, and sometimes to add flavour Oct 22, · Genetically modified foods consist of plants and animals whose genes have been altered. The principal ingredients of GM foods currently available are derived from genetically modified soybean, maize, and canola. GM foods are classified into one of three generations. First-generation crops have enhanced input traits, such as herbicide tolerance May 14, · The article discusses the potential health risks of GM foods, using evidence from Jeffrey Smith’s ‘Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods.’ It places an emphasis on the food we as individuals eat every day and what role GM foods play in that daily diet
Genetically Modified Food: Good or Bad? | Free Paper Examples
Genetic modifications used in food and plants in modern time can lead to unforeseen consequences. The import of genetically modified food throughout the world is open to discussions in many countries. There are strong debates between EU and US as to promotion of such food in the territory of European states. The European Economic Community prohibited the import of genetically engineered crops because of the risk of danger this food can bring to humanity; still this issue caused a lot of contradictions on the international level, genetic modified food essay. According to the survey provided by International Council for Science foodstuffs containing genetically engineered crops are considered to be rather safe for eating; it was proved through various tests carried out over these products.
Nevertheless, the lack of negative effects provided in genetic modified food essay surveys does not necessarily mean that there is no risk of danger in such food. The scientists state that one cannot exclude the possibility of such effects being of long term character. It is connected with the fact that traditional food containing genetic modified food essay engineered crops is abundant in various harmful toxins and allergens. Besides, one of the most serious problems connected with the nature of such food is connected with genes transference from food being consumed into human micro-organisms or cells. It was proved that genetically engineered crops contained antibiotic-resistance genes; so, in case such genes are transferred into the human bacteria or cells, the negative effects could result in the development and growth of antibiotic-resistant strains within bacteria.
Despite the fact that the risk of such consequences is quite low, still it exists genetic modified food essay it can explain all the debates as to the danger brought by such food. Scientific Facts on Genetically Modified Crops, On the other hand the usage of genetically engineered modifications can lead to some benefits in the quality of plants and foods through lowering of plants disease damage and insect harmful influence on them; there is also greater availability of using affordable food from appropriate soil. So, in case these facts were documented in a proper way, the level of contradictions would completely decrease, genetic modified food essay. Shah, The problem is connected with the establishment of barrier for international trade fulfilled by US food manufacturers.
The way out was offered by European Committee on Public Health and Environment in and caused misunderstandings on the part of American agricultural community. Besides, genetic modified food essay, the production process of modified foods should be compulsory documented. New terms provided by European Committee affect US profits got from agriculture export. Smith, A lot of scientists throughout the world consider that humanity does not suffer the genetic modified food essay of food that is why there is no need in distribution of genetically engineered crops leading to deep risk of danger to human health.
The unforeseen and unpredictable consequences resulting from the usage of such food may lead to inevitable destruction of human organism. The scientists believe that people are to eat only natural products; the creation of modified crops is just a matter of business. Genetically engineered elements are to be used for protection of plants and animals from harmful toxic things, rather than for human foods development and improvement. Scientific Facts on Genetically Modified Crops. Published under the authority of Green Facts Scientific Board. Smith, Jeffrey, genetic modified food essay. Seeds of Deception: Exposing Industry and Government Lies about the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods.
Shah, Anup. Genetically Engineered Food. Global Issues. Premium Papers. Genetically Modified Food: Good or Bad? Use discount. On-Time Delivery! Preparations of a Food and Nutrition Policy. Fast Food and Culture. Cite this paper Select style. Reference Premium Papers. Work Cited "Genetically Modified Food: Good or Bad? References Premium Papers. Bibliography Premium Papers. Copy to clipboard Copied! Check the price of your paper.
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Genetically Modified Foods are a large part of today 's market place: corn,soybean,cotton, etc.. And plenty more crops are genetically modified. These genetic modifications change from inserting genes that allows the use of certain herbicides to inserting animals genes to IELTS Essay: Genetically Modified Foods. by Dave | Real Past Tests IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answers | 18 Comments. K. Shares. This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of genetically modified foods from the real IELTS exam Aug 27, · Further information on genetically modified foods that will be used in essays, should be found in journals and other documents and be based on verifiable studies and research. Essay Topic Ideas about GMO Foods. Here are some essay questions and prompts about genetically modified foods, the science of GMO, and the controversy and concerns
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