Aug 29, · In this essay, we are more interested in ethical egoism, its critique, and application in the criminal justice system. Ethical Egoism Ethical egoism supports the normative ethical perspective that moral agents should perform actions that fulfil their individual interests Ethical Egoism essay. There are a number of situations that any individual faces in life and it is a given in this life that the situations one face must be dealt with by making some decisions. These decisions could be based on an individual’s own judgment or a list of values and customs embedded into the cultural background of the individual. The normative theory, one of the Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Jan 01, · Ethical egoism allows everyone to see their life as being of the ultimate value. It also takes the individual seriously and should be the philosophy that ought to be accepted. Ethical Egoism can also be associated with the common-sense moral intuitions
Free Ethical egoism Essay Examples and Topic Ideas on GraduateWay
Ethical egoism is the view that each of us ought to pursue self-interest, and it is our own obligation to promote self-interest, ethical egoism essay. In other words, one shall not act for the good of others, ethical egoism essay, but for the benefit of oneself. It may be, however, for the good of others also, but doing the act is for the best interest of the doer. Under this view, it is moral to do such. There are, however, conflicting views with regard to ethical egoism, ethical egoism essay. Morality depends on the customs, traditions, and laws where a person is domiciled.
There are, however, other views that a person, by its nature, is good or bad. Ethical egoism essay, it boils down to the customary of a society — it is always dictated. So for an action to be ethical, it must be within the standards of the customs. However, this actually depends on the action — whether it ethical egoism essay an overt or covert act. If it is an overt act, it also depends whether the action is known by the society; that is, by donating blood in a drive or when killing a person and there is a clear evidence that will put the doer into incarceration.
The act must be seen by the society, where it will be judged as moral. Then, it will be reciprocated by an ego boost. There are however other people who choose a covert act, yet still the act is within the moral standards of the society. An example of ethical egoism is running for the highest position in the elections. The benefit depends on the doer. To win the election, one has to act accordingly to the morals of the society. When the ethical egoism essay wins the election, ethical egoism essay, he has to also fulfill his duties to his people. He only does this because running for election and winning the same actually makes the person feel good about it.
It is for his self-interest because the position gives him the boost of his ego and the validation of the people makes him feel good, ethical egoism essay. There is, ethical egoism essay, however, a problem, when the person may seem to act well in front of the people yet is illegally trying to win over the hearts of the people: by cheating and killing people. The candidate still acts for his own benefit, but does he act morally? Maybe yes, maybe not. Another issue with regard to ethical egoism is the conflict of interest of two individuals. If two people share the same interest, ethical egoism essay, how should ethical egoism essay be resolved? There are however those who argue that the benefit must be shared by the two individuals. This raises the question of what are the standards dictated by the society.
This view in simplest terms means one person will act only because it feels good. If the action does not feel good, one will not do the act, ethical egoism essay. So, whether or not the action is moral within the dictates of the society does not matter in this case. As long as the action will benefit the person, it is moral. As most philosophers may argue, free will is the end all and be all of the actions of a person. Call Now! Order now. Search for:. Get Custom Essay from:. Ethical Egoism Essay Ethical egoism is the view that each of us ought to pursue self-interest, and it is our own obligation to promote self-interest. This essay on ethical voting is an example of how an essay on such a topic can be organized.
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Ethical Egoism: Theory Explained
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Jan 01, · Ethical egoism allows everyone to see their life as being of the ultimate value. It also takes the individual seriously and should be the philosophy that ought to be accepted. Ethical Egoism can also be associated with the common-sense moral intuitions Ethical Egoism essay. There are a number of situations that any individual faces in life and it is a given in this life that the situations one face must be dealt with by making some decisions. These decisions could be based on an individual’s own judgment or a list of values and customs embedded into the cultural background of the individual. The normative theory, one of the Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins What is ethical egoism essay? The ethical theory known as ethical egoism states that we are always morally required to do what's in our own self-interestself-interestEthical egoism is the normative ethical position that moral agents ought to act in their own self-interest
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