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Essay on marxism

Essay on marxism

essay on marxism

In Marxism, Karl Marx intended that the industrialist Bourgeoisie, upper class, hardheartedly misused the Proletariats, which were known as the lower class. Marx made a point that the work completed by the Proletariats made awesome riches for the Bourgeoisie Dec 16,  · Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: Read Full Paper. e., by exploiting the working class and appropriating the "surplus value" produced by the working class for himself. (Marx, "The Production of Absolute Surplus-Value") the working class is forced to work for the capitalist since in the "Capitalist" stage of social This essay will discuss Karl Marx () and his theory Marxism. This essay will discuss the history of Marxism, how it was created and the positive and negative outcomes of Marxism. It will highlight key factures and issues regarding Marxism and

(DOC) Essay On Marxism | Stanley I Obika -

It not only topsy-turvicd the conservative world but created a practical way of politico-econnomic life of Russia and China and served as the model for the toiling mass of the third world, who took it as an way to end poverty, injustice and exploitation of all types. For them, Marxism stood as a symbol of progress and advancement. Marxism continued and completed the main ideological currents of the nineteenth century belonging to the three most advanced countries of mankind. There are four corner-stones which build up the structure of Marxism. We shall study these four ingredients of Marxism one-by-one:.

The entire political thought of Karl Marx is based on what is called dialectical materialism. The expression is rooted in the Greek word dialego which means to debate or discuss with a view to arrive at the truth by admitting the contradictions in the arguments of the opponents. Although Marx got the idea of dialect, from Friedrich Hegel, he differed from Hegel in many respects and he developed it in his own way. While Hegel believed that human evolution was in a straight essay on marxism, for Marx it moved in a zig-zag course, essay on marxism. But Marx differed from Hegel from the point of view of approach, essay on marxism. For Hegel, human idea was an ultimate reality. But Marx was resolute in his view that it was matter rather than human idea or opinion which was the real thing.

In other words, essay on marxism, while the Hegelian conception was that the world changes by the force of human thinking, Marx was firm in his conviction that it was matter which was the ultimate reality and the human idea must take a back seat in the social evolution. For Marx, human essay on marxism was nothing but a reflex of the material condition of the society at a particular point of history. Ideas actually emanate from the material condition of the society. are the products of actions and reactions of material conditions of society. Dialectics is nothing but actions and reactions called contradictions. The onward march of history is actuated by the contradictions between the opposite elements.

According to Marx, there are two opposite classes at every stage of social evolution. In the slave system the two classes are the slaves and the slave owners. It takes the form of serfs and feudal lords in the essay on marxism system, essay on marxism. In the capitalist system we find the working classes and the industrialists. Essay on marxism the name of the two classes, one is the exploited and the other is the exploiter. One is the thesis, the other is antithesis. Their actions result in the creation of a new force called the synthesis. The synthesis does not work unopposed and in the result comes again the tussle between thesis and antithesis. With the creation of synthesis begins a new era. Thus we find the slave system, feudalism, capitalism and finally socialism.

When fire is thesis, water is its antithesis and the resultant gas is the synthesis. This type of action and reaction are found invariably in every stage of history. The last phase of such contradiction is capitalism and working class. The class struggle will come to an end with the emergence of socialism, which will establish a classless society. Marx underlined that it is the dialectics which give us the real insight into the history of human civilisation. This will take us to the materialistic conception of history, which we are going to study at the moment. According to Karl Marx, the application of dialectical materialism to the study of historical evolution is historical materialism or materialistic conception of history.

For Marx, essay on marxism, history is a continuous evolutionary process from the lowest or earliest stage to the highest or the most modern state. The change is not effected by any outside agency or transcendental factor. It is rather a self-regulated process in accordance with the laws of dialectical materialism. Marx underlined the mode of production in material life as the determining factor in the general character of social, political and spiritual process of the world. It is the process of production which is the key factor of social evolution.

The productive system and production relation among the men is the foundation of the superstructure of the society. Any change in the mode of production is bound to have a corresponding effect on social relations. Thus all political institutions, essay on marxism and traditions, art and philosophy, essay on marxism, religion and morality hinge on the nature of a particular method of production and the nature of relations that obtains between the owners of means of production and the workers engaged in essay on marxism production. Marx mentions five stages of human history, namely, the primitive communal system, the slave system, the feudal system, the capitalist system, and socialist system.

Except the last one, all these systems came and went yielding place to new ones. Needless to essay on marxism that the gradual process was on the progressive lines of man-power. In the case of the first one there was no class exploitation, because the produce could maintain the bare subsistence of the people, there being no surplus which is root factor of exploitation, essay on marxism. It applies equally to the last stage, namely socialism, because there the surplus was not in the hands of the few at the head but was distributed among the people! In the period of slave system, the means of essay on marxism were rude and primitive and there was a need for a change for better means. So came better methods of agriculture and with it came the feudal system which replaced the slave system.

Thus feudalism brought in its trail new laws, new religion and new philosophy. But the mode of production in the feudal system proved outmoded with the emergence of the Commercial Revolution and Industrial Revolution, which brought in the capitalist system where the industrial workers were engaged in the production for the benefit of the capitalist few who won the industries and factories. Like the feudal system, the capitalist system too proved unworkable and this was replaced by the workers themselves in a violent revolution in Russia inessay on marxism, whereupon the workers themselves came to own the industries and essay on marxism. Socialism is bound to remain permanent because it is better than any other system, because here the wealth will go to the state, not to any group.

Other factors like geography and population play a minor role in history. Economic factor may be just one of the factors, but never the sole or only factor. The material factors loomed so large before him that he made a too simplistic solution of a very complicated problem. We know that the Ramayana war did not relate to economic factor. It arose and ended over Sita. Here Marx must essay on marxism a false prophet. But in defence of Marx we may say that he did not totally ignore the other factors germane to the historical process. He only gave importance to the economic factors. Marxism is a five-dimensioned philosophy, namely dialectical materialism, historical materialism, class-struggle, surplus value and theory of revolution.

We have studied essay on marxism first two. Here we shall take up the third one, namely the class-struggle. There was a group consciousness-or class in every stage of history and its concomitant opposite class. These two classes conflicted and clashed in all ages in different forms. Each time ended whether in a revolutionary reconstruction of the society at large or in the common run of the contending classes. We get a very clear definition of class from V. That society had no class conflict, because there was no surplus wealth to appropriate or exploit with.

So there was no class-struggle in the primitive essay on marxism of human civilisation. With the coming of the pastoral stage the society got divided on the basis of the owning the herds of cattle and the opposite side without these. The apple of discord was the private property of the cattle. This was the beginning of the class war. As man settled with agriculture on an improved scale, the land became the property and the class conflict veered round the possession essay on marxism land. The land-owners and the landless population got polarised, essay on marxism. The land-owners became the exploiting class and the landless the exploited ones. The inventions and improvement in technology created the feudal age where the barons exploited the serfs.

But this would not continue forever. The exploited class will rise against the exploiters and they would establish more equitable relations among the people. That too was not permanent. The all wall-washing French Revolution of overthrew feudalism, essay on marxism. It took some more years for other countries to follow suit. The emergence of big machines as a fruit of the Industrial Revolution gave rise to big and heavy industries which made the mode of production simple and profits immense so that the factory lords let loose the steam-roller of oppression on the factory workers.

Now we find the capitalists and the working classes. Marx called them bourgeoisie and proletariats, essay on marxism. This stage saw the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few who reduced the working class in abject poverty, essay on marxism. Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other — bourgeoisie and proletariat. It is a period of exploitation of wage-labour by capital. But Marx was confident that the proletariats would one day rise in arms to terminate with the capitalist system.

This would be the final revolution, because at the end of the revolution the proletariats will come to power and there would be no oppressed class. In this way, history will reach the stage of socialism which actually took place in Russia and China. In other essay on marxism of the world socialism has not come and these countries are still witnessing the conflict between the capitalist and the working class. Socialism cannot be halted anywhere. It is bound to materialize all over the world. The state, which is essay on marxism instrument of class-antagonism, will wither away with the oncoming of socialism where public ownership takes the place of private ownership and need-based distribution will operate in place of distribution according to work.

When communism will pervade all human relationship, there will be no need for the state, which will wither away without the necessity of being killed. It is difficult to believe that history essay on marxism all societies was worked by essay on marxism and distrust of different classes. On the other hand, there was a spirit of fellow-feeling and cooperation among the various interests in the society.

The Difference Between Socialism, Communism, and Marxism Explained by a Marxist

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Marxism Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on

essay on marxism

In Marxism, Karl Marx intended that the industrialist Bourgeoisie, upper class, hardheartedly misused the Proletariats, which were known as the lower class. Marx made a point that the work completed by the Proletariats made awesome riches for the Bourgeoisie Marxism is a set of theories, or a system of thought and analysis, developed by Karl Marx in the nineteenth century in response to the Western industrial revolution and the rise of industrial capitalism as the predominant economic mode This essay will discuss Karl Marx () and his theory Marxism. This essay will discuss the history of Marxism, how it was created and the positive and negative outcomes of Marxism. It will highlight key factures and issues regarding Marxism and

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