Boston Massacre Essay Essay Example. The French and Indian war put England in debt making England look for other sources of income. The king of England believed that the colonists should help to pay for the war because it took place in America. For a few months prior to the massacre, British troops had been stationed in blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins Boston Massacre is an event which was followed by an aggressive campaign from the British government as well as the local citizens, both portraying extremely opposite stories. However, an unbiased analysis based only on the course of events would help in reaching a conclusion. Boston was the capital city of Massachusetts and it was an important Boston Massacre Essay. Words3 Pages. The true history of the Boston Massacre is shrouded by mystery, and most people’s interpretations of what happened are wrong. We generally think that the Boston Massacre was a flat out murder planned by the British; but that isn’t necessarily true. The generally accepted summary of what happened that
Boston Massacre Essay Essay Example For FREE - New York Essays
Boston Massacre Brutal Murder or Self-Defense? Boston Massacre is known as the cornerstone of Revolutionary war which resulted into a series of events causing changes in the world's map. On face value, it can be perceived as an incident in which the innocent citizens were murdered by the tyrant government but a careful analysis would reveal that basic reasons of the Boston Massacre are rooted in the years of tension and strain that existed between the British government and colonists. Boston Massacre is a controversial event reflected differently in British and American history.
It is evident after careful unbiased analysis that Boston Massacre was a result of self-defense by the British army troop instead of an unprovoked gunfire, boston massacre essay, in response to attacks by Bostonian colonists. In order to understand the Boston massacre essay massacre, it is important that the events leading to this incident and aftermaths are critically evaluated. On the other hand, the series of actions that took place before the event would be boston massacre essay indicative factor in this regard. In historical events where one of the parties to the incident has to proven guilty, it is difficult yet important to separate myths from the facts. Boston Massacre is an event which was followed by an aggressive campaign from the British government boston massacre essay well as the local citizens, both portraying extremely opposite stories, boston massacre essay.
However, an unbiased analysis based only on the course of events would help in reaching a conclusion. Boston was the capital city of Massachusetts and it was an important port where the major trade took place. Due to its important location, the city was responsible for the economic development in the region. However, when the British parliament decided to levy taxes on the merchants in Boston in s, the overall response was nothing but resistance[footnoteRef:1]. This resistance on economic reforms was instigated by the placement of a huge mass of soldiers approximately in numbers which was comparatively unreasonably highly as the overall population of Boston was merely twenty thousand heads. Furthermore, the heavy taxation on gross income was further worsened by the Boston massacre essay Act resulting into heavy import tariffs[footnoteRef:2], boston massacre essay.
The resultant was boston massacre essay complete boycott of the affected items by the colonists. In the meanwhile, attempts were made to negotiate with the then King George III and also with other colonial regions so that more strength can be gained[footnoteRef:3]. html] Attempts were made by Lord Hillsborough to deal with the activities of the Massachusetts House which further worsened the situation. Following the course of events taking place, Charles Paxton, Boston's chief customer officer called for additional troops as the colonists were getting stronger[footnoteRef:4]. The event itself began with a small argument between the private White who was appointed at the Custom House and an apprentice of a local wigmaker. The wigmaker accused of the Captain Lieutenant not to pay for the bill of the wig whereas the truth is the bill was paid a day before the event.
The private White demanded young wigmaker to be more respectful which turned into a heated argument during which the wigmaker was hit in the head by a musket. With progression of the argument, the crowd became more aggressive and grew in number which forced the White to ask for assistance which was provided by Captain Thomas Preston[footnoteRef:5]. According to the eye witnesses, the private White was provided an assistance of six armed Whites[footnoteRef:6]. In the meanwhile, the crowd kept on provoking the troop to fire on them whereas Captain Thomas did mentioned that the bayonets were loaded but they are not intending to open a fire on the public and in reality he gave no such orders.
In the meanwhile, a local inn maker tried to hit the soldiers and Captain with his club[footnoteRef:7]. When one of the private Whites was hit by a stick, he opened the fire on the public anticipating more attacks. The gun shot was followed by more shots by his fellows for which no orders were given. Few days later, two more casualties took place[footnoteRef:8]. The crowd gathered on that day and the next day demanded governor for the fair trials which were later on guaranteed by the governor. However, six of the soldiers were released whereas two were given minor sentences[footnoteRef:9]. The following events were full of propaganda and depiction where British government as well as the colonists tried to gain public approval.
Resultant was American Revolutionary war five years later[footnoteRef]. Bostonians were highly frustrated because of the economic reforms introduced in the region which restricted their trade liberty and also reduced the earned capital. When the British governments introduced its troops into the region, casual harassments from general public to the soldiers and vice versa were considered as a norm[footnoteRef]. Where one can criticize the just nature of reforms introduced by British government, the Boston Massacre was not a boston massacre essay display of power. Eight Propositions for Public History on the Freedom Trail," The Public Historian 25, no. Appearance of the young wigmaker and demanding the amount which was already paid a day before, can be perceived as boisterous and an intentional attempt to instigate the public.
The concerned Captain who was the leading authority ignored the insult which assures once all over again that there was no such intent of harassing the public or causing any physical harm to them. Furthermore, the supporters who gathered for the supported of wigmaker made the situation since till that time, the private White was all alone and had no assistance which endangered his life. As the number grew and he was being attacked by petty items, he was forced to ask for assistance from the nearby regiment. Careful analysis would reveal that up till now, British government representatives had shown no interest boston massacre essay intent in causing any harm to the mob gathered.
Even after, the mob gathered, the authority officer on duty stated clearly that he has no intent of opening the fires but the weapons were loaded and any aggressive action by the mob would meet its repercussion. Another important factor in the whole scenario was ringing the church bell which was only meant for fire signals[footnoteRef]. As a result, more people gathered which obviously boston massacre essay the well-being of soldiers in numbers. Now, the mob itself outnumbered the armed officers in a greater number. It is clear that using church bell was an attempt to harass the officers on duty with more strength. Here, boston massacre essay, a doubt arises if wigmaker demanding already paid amount, was a boston massacre essay attempt of creating a heat between the general public and British government.
Although, this notion is not supported by any historical evidence but it cannot be ignored considering the course of events. The fire was a result of one of the mob members hitting a private White with a club which nearly missed his head[footnoteRef]. It was the anticipation of more severe attacks which made the young white open the fire. Most importantly, the act of violence was initiated by the mob in the first place whereas the British Captain only gave verbal warnings only. The fire made in self-defense was followed by several fires by the fellowmen. According to witnesses, no orders for opening the fire were given[footnoteRef]. If the Captain is considered as the character representing British government, it is clear from his actions that boston massacre essay of British troops was an attempt to control the area but actually causing any casualties was not an option[footnoteRef].
Bibliography Agresto, John, "Art and Historical Truth: The Boston Massacre. Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, vol. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. Allison, Robert. Linder, boston massacre essay, Doug. Boston Massacre The initial cause of the Boston Massacre is a mystery because the testimonies of the witnesses conflict with each other in several areas. The testimonies presented do not seem to support the fact that Thomas Preston was guilty as charged. If anything, these testimonies serve to prove that there is more to eyewitness accounts than meets the eye, boston massacre essay. Captain Preston's deposition leads us to believe that the mob was. The purpose for the pilgrimage from the British ruled Empire to the New World. The Boston Massacre: A Rousing Event The Boston Massacre refers boston massacre essay an altercation that occurred when America was a new land, and still technically a colony of the British Empire.
The facts of the Boston Massacre are as follows: the parties involved were a group of British soldiers and boston massacre essay group of colonists or patriots. This bias permeates throughout social circles and businesses seeking qualified boston massacre essay applicants. Yet, Boston's strong economy accommodates growth for anyone who is motivated to succeed. Culturally, Boston is no New York. but, for a city of , great cultural activities are available without the burden of dealing with an overwhelmingly large city. The city's numerous theaters include the Cutler Majestic Theatre, Boston Opera House, the Wang Center for the Performing Arts.
Both events involved immigrants. During the epoch in which both events occurred, there was a social climate in the, boston massacre essay. The name of Horace Mann is still known today, the first Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education, as he tried to make a practical education available to all, including recent immigrants, which he argued would be an important part of their socialization into boston massacre essay national culture Browne,boston massacre essay, p. Boston suffered a great deal during the Great Depression, boston massacre essay. Home Writing Tools Example Essays About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp.
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Excursions, Ep. 10: The Boston Massacre
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Boston Massacre Essays. Essay examples Essay topics 11 essay samples found. Most popular essay topics on Boston massacre prepared by our experts: The Boston Massacre: Big Event in American History. The Boston Massacre, also known as the Incident on King Street by the British, was a big event in American History. It was a street riot that Essay On Boston Massacre. Words 9 Pages. Boston Massacre Introduction Boston Massacre is the famous riot that took place between the British soldiers and American patriots. The trigger point was the levy of taxes on the Americans called patriots in literature with regard to this particular era. The killings were attempted by the British Boston Massacre Essay. Words3 Pages. The true history of the Boston Massacre is shrouded by mystery, and most people’s interpretations of what happened are wrong. We generally think that the Boston Massacre was a flat out murder planned by the British; but that isn’t necessarily true. The generally accepted summary of what happened that
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